Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Book Reading at Cregagh Library Belfast

Thanks to everyone at Cregagh Library Belfast and especially Alison Earley and Jane Moore of Northern Ireland Libraries for organising my Book Reading last night

What a great audience and lots of fascinating questions. They made me feel very welcome. Ask me back after Book Two in the DCI Craig detective series' THE GRASS TATTOO' is released on December 11th  2012.

Thanks again everyone


My brilliant interview with Frances Di Plino all about the reasons behind and the main players in the new Belfast based DCI Craig crime series


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Letter to Barack Obama

Michael Moore's amazing open letter to Barack Obama



HAPPY BIRTHDAY CROOKED CAT PUBLISHING. One year old today and already earning a reputation for high quality innovative writing. 

Check out their birthday present to you on http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=178428958963229&set=o.374966002529848&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

Monday, 19 November 2012

Philip Roth

Very interesting article on Philip Roth's retirement   in the New York Times 


Thursday, 15 November 2012

Book Launch ( real life one)

Ooh, just looked at the MAC. The venue for my real-life Book Launch on December 11th. Fab-u-lous!

Monday, 12 November 2012

'The Next Big Thing'

What is the Working Title of your Book?

It’s become the real title now. ‘The Grass Tattoo’

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?

I wanted a complete departure from the psychological theme of my first book ‘A Limited Justice’ into a real-world reason for murder, and in ‘The Grass Tattoo’ the themes of money, lust and the past come to the fore.

3) What genre does your book fall under?

Well, all my books are part of a Belfast-based murder detective series, based around a lead detective, D.C.I. Marc Craig and his team. They solve different crimes in Northern Ireland and often travel further afield as part of that. I like the idea of writing a series and following characters through the crimes, and through their own life challenges. I also wanted to set the books in a modern 2012 Belfast and Northern Ireland, to show people that it’s a beautiful, peaceful and modern place now.

4) Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Oh for my lead detective it would have to be someone who is believably half-Italian ,half Northern Irish so they have to be dark. The character is tall, very handsome  and in his forties. So I’d say that we’re looking at Dominic west or perhaps Aidan Turner…

5) What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

Murder can happen anywhere and for any reason.

6) Will your book be Self Published or represented by an agency?

It will be published by Crooked Cat Publishing

7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I had the book half-written in 2010 and then left it to one side. I picked it up again this year by which time I’d changed my mind about most of it, so had to rewrite. I’d say it took me about two months to re-write.

8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I love the work of Ian Rankin, especially his Rebus series of books, If someone ever compared my work to his I would die happy.

9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

The desire to create something that shows the truly modern Northern Ireland the way it really is. And I write all my books for my mother who died at the end of 2008.

10) What else about your book might pique the readers’ interest?

I think the core characters, especially the central team, might make the reader care about what happens to them. They are the heart of every book. And I think that in ‘The Grass Tattoo’ the reader’s interest will be piqued by the clash of cultures and the greed and lust that drives them.

Saturday, 10 November 2012


BOOK READING from 'A Limited Justice '

CREGAGH Library Belfast on Monday 26th November 7pm.
Phone 02890401365
409-413 Cregagh Road
Belfast BT6 0LF



Yes! 'A LIMITED JUSTICE' has just received another five star review on Amazon.

'This is a brilliant debut. Fast paced, complex, unusual and intriguing. Vicious crimes but without gratuitous gore. Characters that live on the page then sneak into your head beyond the end of the story. Can't wait to read the next one. '

Cathie Dunn's Blog

Lucky me today! I'm the guest on Cathie Dunn's brilliant Blog, answering questions about the D.C.I.Craig crime series. On http://cathiedunn.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/introducing-crime-writer-catriona-king.html

We're also working up the artwork for Book Two of the series 'The Grass Tattoo' due for release on December 11th 2012.

I'm also busy tweaking two other books in the series which we hope will be out next year, never mind living life, working and doing the boring basics like tidying, shopping....

Busy, busy.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


OMG! I live in Northern Ireland but I really can't tell you how excited I am that Barack OBAMA  has won victory in  the U.S. elections. It's a victory for the whole world. 

He now has four more years in the White House with the chance to finish the work that he has started. And that means four more years of a known and stable approach that means that the rest of the world knows exactly who they are dealing with. I hope, in fact I'm sure, that he will use those years wisely.

His opponent Mitt Romney fought an excellent campaign and was gracious and supportive in defeat, so I hope that the Republicans in the senate and house of representatives follow his example. And that they all pull together with the Democrats to give the U.S.A. the security and progress that they need, for a tolerant and democratic future for their people. This is not a time for gloating, this is a time for work.

Sunday, 4 November 2012


Thanks to Nancy Jardine for her new 5 star review of 'A Limited Justice' .

This was a very enjoyable novel from start to finish. The reader is plunged straight in to a nasty murder, DCI Craig and his very supportive team launching in to solve the intricacies of it. The characters compliment each other very well - main and secondary - and are very believable. Ms King ably demonstrates how even the biggest workaholics can have some measure of life outside of `the job'. How the murderer will be caught, keeps the reader enthusiastically scanning right to the very end, the short scene changes revving up the pace. I very much enjoyed Ms King's writing style and look forward to the next in the series.


WELL....After working ++ and eating chocolate++++ the edited version of  THE GRASS TATTOO, Book Two in the D.C.I. Craig series  has wended its merry way back to Laurence at Crooked Cat Publishing, ready for its lovely cover to be fitted before release on the 11th December! The excitement is building fast :)